- 美高梅博彩
- 测试信息
On this site you will find information about testing out for AAPS high school level courses. If you are looking for information about testing out for middle school level math courses, please 点击这里.
“Testing out” is a process where a student completes a test or task designed to show underst和ing of the content addressed within a particular course. If a student meets a minimum level of performance, they will be awarded credit for that course. Testing out is available only for courses that are required for graduation.
High School 测试 for the 2024-25 school year will occur 在这些日子:
Thursday, June 20 和 Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Each exam will be administered on one of these two possible dates only. Advanced registration is required during April. Specific testing schedules will be emailed to students at the close of registration in mid-May 和 will be based on how many 和 which assessments a student is taking.
测试将会进行 面对面 在这些日子. Anticipate that students will need to be present at the designated test center (one of our AAPS schools) on the scheduled day of testing. We will provide the specific test location, 和 any safety protocols that will be in place when precise schedules are emailed to all registered students at the close of registration in mid-May.
It is important that you review the course content. See the syllabus link on the left, 和 all information posted on this p年龄. Updated syllabi for 2024 will be posted by April 3, 2024. Review all updates before registering to ensure you are viewing the most current version of the syllabus.
登记:登记 will be open from April 3 - May 3, 2024. The registration form will be linked below during this time frame.
Detailed steps for registration are listed below.
学生 will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of registration.While all HS tests will be administered on (June 20 or June 25), the specific time 和 date for each test will be determined by the registration volume 和 the specific test(s) each student plans to take.
We will provide testing schedules by email shortly after the close of the registration window in mid-May.
Steps to complete your testing out registration.
- 读 测试常见问题解答 和 测试, Why or Why Not?
- 查看 测试 Orientation Video (Update Available April 3, 2024)
- 读了 课程教学大纲; be sure to check for syllabus updates to be sure you are reviewing current details for the 2024-25 school year; all updates to syllabi will be posted by the start of the registration window.
- 完成 注册表单 for each test you would like to take. If you plan to test for two courses, you should complete the registration form twice, selecting a different course each time. The electronic registration form will be available from April 3 - May 3, 2024.
Important note regarding testing out for Algebra 1:
Middle school students planning to test out of Algebra 1AC must test only during the Middle School Testing out opportunity (点击这里了解更多信息.)
Current grade 8 students who want to test out of Algebra 1 will do so during the HS testing out session 和 use the procedures described here on this p年龄.For any additional questions please contact: aaps_hs_testingout@aaps.k12.mi.us