• 住宅建筑

    住宅建筑 students from across the district gather on the jobsite porch

    上图: 住宅建筑 students from across the district gather on the porch


    The Ann Arbor Student Building Industry Program provides Ann Arbor's high school students with a unique learning experience. Through the actual construction of a new home, from raw land to finished product, students learn the importance of math skills, architectural dimension, 工作满意度, 还有团队合作, responsibility and dependability. Upon completion of the program, students have an awareness of the many opportunities and benefits of the construction industry and related fields.

    了解更多有关 Ann Arbor Student Building Industry Program.

    How To Join The Program

    The 住宅建筑 program is open to all high school students in the Ann Arbor Public Schools. Classes are run on the job site for the current year. All students must apply to the program by filling out this 谷歌的形式. The form contains all details, including due dates.